UHY Shtainmetz Aminoach & Co., CPA (the "Firm") is a member of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited, a UK company, and forms part of the international UHY network of legally independent accounting and consulting firms. UHY is the brand name for the UHY international network. The services described herein are provided by the Firm and not by UHY or any other member firm of UHY. Neither UHY nor any member of UHY has any liability for services provided by other members. A member of UHY International, a network of independent accounting and consulting firms.

Shtainmetz Aminoach & Co accounting was founded in 1987 by Reem Aminoach and Kobi Shtainmetz. The firm employs about 300 employees. Provides a wide range of accounting services including financial reports, tax reports, auditing, tax planning, representing in front of the tax authorities, trusteeships, value estimates, running arbitrations, corporate taxing, international taxation, financial and economical advisement, and tax rulings.
The main office is located at Yigal Alon Street at Tel-Aviv and serves its customers from all over the central area of Israel. Another branch is located at Bet-Shemesh and mainly offers U.S taxation services.
The firm is a part of the international UHY net which has 300 offices spread in 99 countries around the world.
Accounting firm UHY Shtainmetz Aminoach & Co is one of the only Israeli firms holding the esteemed and strict PCAOB standard of approval handed by the SEC.

Why should you choose to work with Shtainmetz Aminoach & Co's experts?
An international network of CPA's
Shtainmetz Aminoach & Co is part of the international network UHY, which is a business consulting and guidance network around the world, with about 300 offices spread in 99 countries. The network holds itself to high standards of service quality, while maintaining honesty. These days, the network is ranked among the 20 largest accounting networks in the world.
The Firm's expertise
The firm is recognized in Israel as a leader in taxation. The firm’s partners are leading tax specialists in varied fields, as a result, the firm provides tax planning and tax construction services not only to clients, but to Israel’s largest and most complicated corporate bodies, such as: insurance companies, banks, large conglomerates and almost all of the largest groups in the Israeli market. The firm specializes in treating sophisticated clients who require complex tax and accompanying services and gives a fast and professional answer to all of its clients due to its vast professional knowledge and experience. Among the firm's clients are some of the Israeli's market largest companies and corporations including multi-national companies, public companies, hedge funds, nonprofit organizations and large private companies which are leaders in their field.